Support Chateau Noir Art Institute with Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) allow you to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.

You can designate your grants to Chateau Noir Art Institute to:

  • Use wherever the need is greatest.
  • Support specific areas like scholarships, educational programs,  instruments, films, etc.

Our tax I.D. number is 99-1357943.

DAF Sponsors:

  • BNY Mellon
  • Fidelity Charitable
  • Schwab Charitable

Get Involved

Support our mission and help preserve the art of improvisational jazz.


Founded in 2024, Chateau Noir Jazz Conservatory is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 99-1357943, dedicated to nurturing the future of jazz. We provide scholarships to talented yet financially disadvantaged students, enabling them to explore their artistic potential.

Our goal is to equip these aspiring artists with not only advanced musical skills but also comprehensive business and marketing knowledge, ensuring they graduate debt-free and poised for ongoing success.

Your tax-deductible contributions play a crucial role in supporting these students, directly fostering the preservation and growth of improvisational jazz.

Our Mission

Chateau Noir Art Institute is dedicated to cultivating the brilliance of artistic expression and innovation in the realm of jazz. Our mission is to empower emerging talents through comprehensive education, fostering a deep connection with the art of jazz, nurturing creativity, and ensuring the legacy of this transformative genre. We strive to inspire our students and community, providing a sanctuary where the fusion of tradition and contemporary innovation propels the future of jazz, ensuring its vitality and relevance for generations to come.

Why Your Support is Crucial

Founded in 2024, Chateau Noir Jazz Conservatory stands at the intersection of timeless jazz artistry and groundbreaking educational innovation. As a beacon of artistic excellence, we’re committed to nurturing the next generation of jazz virtuosos, equipping them with the skills needed for global artistic engagement and a deep connection to the jazz tradition.

Why Your Support is Essential

Revolutionizing Jazz Education: Our curriculum is crafted to be a paragon of excellence, merging intensive instrumental training and improvisation with modern recording techniques and deep insights into the music industry. Our goal is to sustain and invigorate the jazz tradition, guiding it into a resplendent future.

Amplifying Talent Through Accessibility: Your contributions play a critical role in providing access to exceptional education for talented musicians, regardless of their financial circumstances. Your support ensures that these artists can flourish, propelling the legacy of jazz into an innovative future.

Cementing Legacies, Cultivating Futures: We are dedicated to mentoring our students to achieve significant milestones, including the creation of their professional albums, thereby contributing to the ongoing narrative of jazz.

Exclusive Opportunities to Embed Your Legacy: Engage with us in a partnership that allows you to embed your legacy within the conservatory, whether through naming opportunities in our halls, studios, or scholarships, celebrating your commitment to the arts.

Strategic Investment in Cultural Renaissance: Your support is pivotal in shaping the conservatory’s future, enabling the procurement of advanced instruments, the development of our cutting-edge curriculum, and the assembly of a distinguished faculty.

Your partnership with Chateau Noir Jazz Conservatory is more than a donation—it’s a commitment to the vibrancy and sustainability of jazz, a genre that encapsulates the essence of human emotion and history. Join us in this critical movement to nurture the future luminaries of jazz, ensuring the genre continues to thrive as a dynamic and expressive art form.

We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey, where your support helps orchestrate a future of creativity, inspiration, and enduring excellence in the jazz world.

Every donation to Chateau Noir Art Institute is a direct investment in the future of our students, as all contributions are channeled into scholarships that empower young artists in their pursuit of jazz mastery. By supporting Chateau Noir, you’re not just aiding individual talents; you’re nurturing the entire spectrum of jazz education and its ongoing innovation.

To contribute today, simply click the “Donate” button and follow the prompts. If you’re interested in discovering more about our institute or exploring other ways to contribute, please reach out to:

Don McDaniels | Founder & CEO |
Chateau Noir Art Institute Inc
940 South Figueroa St. | Los Angeles, CA | 90015
(310) 729-3007

Statement of Ethics

At Chateau Noir Art Institute, every individual involved in our fundraising endeavors is held to the utmost standards of personal and professional ethics. Our commitment to ethical conduct underpins our efforts to advance the institute’s mission, fostering a culture of integrity, respect, and collaboration. This commitment ensures that our team acts in harmony, upholding the highest regard for our community, including our valued colleagues, esteemed students, dedicated faculty, and distinguished alumni.

We are steadfast in our dedication to acting solely in the best interests of our donors and the institute, conscientiously avoiding any real or perceived conflicts of interest. Vigilant in our duty, we ensure transparent monitoring and disclosure of how contributions are allocated, guaranteeing that every gift advances our mission of supporting and enhancing the world of jazz education.

In safeguarding the privacy and integrity of our donors, we strictly adhere to maintaining confidentiality regarding all personal and financial information, in alignment with our administrative protocols, and in compliance with both federal and California state laws, reflecting best practices in donor relations.

Chateau Noir Art Institute proudly upholds the Donor Bill of Rights, advocating principles that resonate with the esteemed guidelines set forth by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (AAFRC), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), ensuring our donors’ trust and the enduring impact of their generosity.